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Cleveland • Columbus • Detroit

Leading System


about us

Decades of Industry Experience...

Meta Technical Sales has been one of the leading system Manufacturer’s Representatives in the Midwest since 1986.   

Consistent focus on industry standards applied to industrial and embedded applications is the mainstay of this business.

We are customer and market driven and look forward to the application of the next generation of systems technology, whatever it may be …  

Meet the Meta Team:

The Sky's The Limit

Decades of Industry experience.

From the days of mini-computers and tape drives to today, Meta has worked to provide quality product to OEMs,  Integrators and sophisticated end-users that meet current needs but also pave the way for future technologies.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

we love them

what our clients have to say

Meet our Manufacturers!

They Believe In Us

Our Manufacturers are the best in the business!.

Let us Help You Find the Right Solution

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